HOWTO Document List

You can see the howto documents in Yudit unicode editor if you type 'howto configure' in the command area of the editor window.

For your reference, I put the following documents on this server:

arabic, baybayin, berber, bidi, build, configure, devanagari, freehand, georgian, greekancient, japanese, keymap, malayalam, rovasiras, syntax, tamil, tibetan, vietnamese, windows

HOWTO freehand


  For Yudit a new input method was added. It is
  called freehand and it can be configured just 
  like any other input method (top menu).

  The original The handwriting recognition algorithms 
  were made by Todd David Rudick (in Java)  for his 
  program JavaDict:


  For Yudit a new algorithm was developed, based upon 
  the old idea. Yudit uses outside files for handwriting
  recognition. The file format is very simple, all you
  need is a utf-8 enabled text editor - Yudit to create
  one.  The extension of these files is .hwd. Two file
  format versions are recognized: '#HWD 1.0' and '#HWD 2.0'.
  You have to put this mark at the beginning of each 
  hwd file. The recommended file format is 2.0. 1.0 format
  was kept because JStroke files and gtkkanjipad files
  can be converted to 1.0 format only, so you can use them
  in Yudit. I Yudit comes with

  kanji.hwd - converted from JStroke 

  hanzi.hwd - converted from gtkkanjipad

  If you notice some error in data please send me the description
  of error. I already have one patch for kanji.hwd in mytool/hwd.

  Version 1.0 Yudit files can not be converted from one to another
  because the use different angles (32 vs. 12).

  When making a hwd file please be aware of the limitation imposed
  by the handwriting recognition algorithm:

  a) Strokes have a specific order. If you write something in
     a different order, the algorithm will ignore it. 

  b) Recognition work with angle-order. If two glyph have the same
     or similar angles. Just a few additional flags are available
     to specify relative positions. 

  The following files are shipped with 2.4.8 and they are made
  by Inui Yuko.


  If you create such files please put the in share/yudit/data or your

Algorithm used in freehand input  (Yudit specific)

  The scalar product of the unit vector described in the 
  guide and the vector drawn on the screen is calculated.
  Please note that this number could be negative if the strokes
  are in the opposite direction. In case Yudit's 'directed'
  flag is used, we assume the stroke has been drawn in
  the opposite order and we re-apply the algorithm with
  the lines drawn in the opposite order.

  In case of multiple vectors in the guide vector array 
  Yudit tries to subdivide the lines with moving point maximize 
  the scalar product. The longer the length is the closer
  we are to the guide. You see, the maximum value of the
  scalar product is the length of the line multiplied by the
  unit vector's length, and this happens if the strokes
  can exactly be aligned to the guide. 

  Extra Hints

  The original algorithm added some hints in case directionality 
  is not enough. This algorithm does it too. Use this if
  it is absolutely necessary. 

  Add fuzz with the flags, winner is the one that has
     length-of-projection) +/- fuzz

  Please note that  the real-length is constant for the full stroke.
  so this method really gives us the best candidate.
  The length of projection can never reach full-length. 
  They can be equals at most.

Data file format

  I think it is better if I start with a real file (please remove leading
  # roman.hwd Gaspar Sinai <gaspar (at) yudit.org>
  # Roman Letters for Yudit freehand
  01 C 8-6-4
  02 A 1-5,3
  02 B 6,4-7-4-7

  The file has a header. It must start with '#HWD 2.0'. Lines
  starting with '#' are comments. subsequent lines are broken into
  3 words, separated by ' ' (not double-width) space.

  1. The number of strokes in the character. I use leading zero
     for easy sort. Data needs to be in ascending order.  
  2. The utf-8 encoded character or string
  3. Guide

  This tells Yudit how you draw the character. Each stroke is 
  separated with commas.

  You always have to imagine that a vector array will be matched
  to the drawing, and that should become as close to the pattern
  as possible. Still, do not try to over-describe the character.

  In the example I described 'C' like this. Go toward 8 o'clock
  then from the new point go toward 6 o'clock, then from the point 
  you are at, go in the direction of 4 o'clock.

  You don't really need extra flags, but if you ever need them it
  looks like this:

  02 X 5,7 | j2-b1
  02 Y 5,7 

  This calculates (stoke.2.end.y) - (stroke.1.mid.y). We work on
  screen coordinates, where origo is upper left corner of the screen,
  so this number will distinguish X. You can emphasize a filter by 
  putting a '!' at the end:


  and you can specify multiple filters, separated by spaces (' ').

  Flag names

  x x-start 
  y y-start
  i x-end 
  j y-end 
  a x-middle 
  b y-middle 
  l length 

In case you made a cool *.hwd please send it to me.
Gaspar Sinai <gaspar (at) yudit.org> Tokyo 2006-05-21


Gáspár SINAI
Tokyo, 2023-02-11

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