HOWTO Document List

You can see the howto documents in Yudit unicode editor if you type 'howto configure' in the command area of the editor window.

For your reference, I put the following documents on this server:

arabic, baybayin, berber, bidi, build, configure, devanagari, freehand, georgian, greekancient, japanese, keymap, malayalam, rovasiras, syntax, tamil, tibetan, vietnamese, windows

HOWTO build

How to build Yudit?

Author: Gaspar Sinai
Version: 2023-01-03

Unix/Linux using rpm
rpmbuild -tb  yudit-version.tar.gz 

Unix/Linux using tar
tar xfz yudit-version.tar.gz
cd yudit-version
make install

. Install  Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET

   On Window98 You need at least Visual C++ 6.0, and the command prompt
   should be invoked with

   command /e:2040 /p
2. Install UnxTools


   If you put the package in


   set PATH=C:\Build\Unix\bin;C:\Build\Unix\usr\local\wbin;%PATH%

3. Unpack yudit-3.0.8.tar.gz into V:\Build\Yudit\yudit-3.0.8

   gunzip yudit-3.0.8.tar.gz
   tar xf yudit-3.0.8.tar

   This directory is hardcoded into:
     bin/wininst.bat, Makefile.conf(TOPDIR) and yudit.iss)
   If you unpacked the source code into a different folder,
   you need to modify these.

4. Compile

  Execute the vcvars32.bat  (32 bit) or vcvarsx86_amd64.bat (64 bit)
  script in your compiler installation bin directory.

  You should probably search for the vcvars32.bat or vcvars64.bat
  files of your installed vc++ tree, and use those if you have problems.

  cd yudit-3.0.8
  cp Makefile.in Makefile

5. Prepeare (This will create C:\Build\Yudit\Install directory)


6. Create package (This needs C:\Build\Yudit\Output directory)

  Install Inno Setup Compiler (http://www.jrsoftware.org/isdl.htm)
  Use C:\Build\Yudit\yudit-3.0.8\yudit32.iss (32 bit) or
  C:\Build\Yudit\yudit-3.0.8\yudit64.iss (64 bit)

  Compile the package. It creates an Output directory with the installer


1. You need to download the source code for Yudit.

  Check out latest version (3.0.8) and download it with curl.

  curl -O https://yudit.org/download/betas/yudit-3.0.8.tar.gz
2. You need to make sure Your Mac has developer tools, XCode installed.

3. Open the terminal window

4. Unpack the source code

  tar xfz yudit-3.0.8.tar.gz 
5. Go to the source folder

  cd yudit-3.0.8

6. Run the disk image builder tool


  It will print out the built dmg file.

  Optionally this image can be enhanced with 
  a fancier installer with:


  by manually moving the icons and resizing the window.

8. Copy that file to ~/Download/ directory

9. Click on that file.

  You can drop the Yudit image to /Applications, or better yet, you can install it: 
  cp -R /Volumes/Yudit/Yudit.app /Applications/

10. Close the image file in finder.

When you run yudit, it will create .yudit (dot-yudit)  directory in your 
home folder. TrueType font files, syntax checker file and keyboard 
maps can be installed there. 

Minor version change
If you want to change the minor version of Yudit you need to 
change the following files:

  #define SD_YUDIT_VERSION "3.0.8"

  Version: 3.0.8

yudit.iss (Win32 Only)
  [Registry] 2 places 3.0.8

bin/wininst.bat (Win32 Only)
  set TOPLEVEL="D:\yudit\yudit-3.0.8"


Gáspár SINAI
Tokyo, 2023-02-11

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