syntax-1.6 Yudit can use the external library Hunspell, that was written by Laszlo Nemeth and Ferenc Godo Please refer to git:// to for copyright status. If you did not receive this file as an installer exe file you need to to manual installation. For manual installation, simply put the files into /usr/share/yudit/syntax or ~/.yudit/syntax. or (Windows) C:\Program Files\Yudit\syntax Chose the library, that is appropriate for your system Linux 64 bit: Linux 32 bit: should be renamed to Windows 64 bit: libhunspell-1.7.0.x86_64.dll Windows 32 bit: libhunspell-1.7.0.i586.dll should be renamed to libhunspell.dll Macintosh Intel: libhunspell-1.7.0.x86_64.dylib should be renamed to libhunspell.dylib There was a name change for windows Yudit release: -------------------------------------------------- Yudit version 3.0.8 before patch3 could no use libhunspell-1.7.0. Version with at least build #9 should be used: 3.0.8-9. For more information on syntax, type help syntax on the command area of Yudit. The syntax files belong to openoffice Hunspell. Gaspar Sinai Tokyo 2023-01-29